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Industry News | 3 min read
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023

Mango season challenges: prices in Mexico and El Niño in Peru.

Mexico and Peru face significant challenges and opportunities during this year’s mango season, according to observations and analysis from ProducePays’ field operations team.

While Mexico expects a slight increase in total production, prices have yet to reach the levels of previous years due to heightened domestic and international competition.

Peruvian growers expect a delay of up to one month in flowering due to elevated temperatures caused by El Niño.

Mexico’s export growth despite challenges

Mexico, the leading mango supplier to the United States, has experienced several challenges this season, from climatic fluctuations to shifts in demand.

Despite this uncertainty, mango exports have shown a promising 3% increase compared to last year, highlighting Mexico’s importance to the U.S. market.

The Mexican mango season has tested growers’ ability to adapt. Changing weather conditions impacted flowering and fruit quality. This caused concern among growers, who have employed various strategies to cope with the obstacles.

Crucially, collaboration between the industry and retailers played a pivotal role in promoting and sustaining mango consumption in the United States during critical phases of the season.

Despite the challenges, mango export projections remain at around 95 million boxes. Notably, the diversity of varieties, from Tommy Atkins to Ataulfo, has ensured a constant supply throughout the season, helping maintain relative stability.

Peru’s response to El Niño effects

In Peru, exceptionally high temperatures have disrupted mango flowering and production. The Peruvian Association of Mango Producers and Exporters (APEM) forecasts reduced flowering and lower production due to adverse weather conditions.

The intense heat of recent months directly impacted the natural flowering process of the fruit, raising concerns among growers. Consequently, the sector adopted a proactive approach by implementing strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of the weather conditions.

These actions range from specific farming practices to technology adoption and advanced cultivation methods. All these efforts aim to ensure a successful mango season in the 2023/24 period.

Collaboration and innovation are key elements in the Peruvian industry, as growers increasingly recognize the need to adapt to changing circumstances. This reflects their commitment to maintaining the quality and supply of Peruvian mangos despite facing adversity.

Are you in the mango trade? Boost your mango marketing with ProducePay’s commerce platform and connect with reliable sellers and buyers. Increase your visibility and operate with confidence thanks to our transaction protection. Join our network today to expand your business opportunities.

Sources: Fresh Plaza, Agraria, Fresh Plaza, Portal Frutícola